Godly Play

Two weeks ago I attended a three day training course in Thurles   http://www.irishinstituteforpastoralstudies.com/ on something called “Godly Play”.   I had no idea really what it was about but I had heard great things  about it around the Dublin Diocese and felt it might be really useful as a more interesting way of connecting with children in the parish.  I discussed it with my PP and he agreed that it sounded interesting and could be a great way of reaching out to children, and I know now can also be used with adults!

What is Godly Play? 

This description is taken from the Godly Play Foundation website https://www.godlyplayfoundation.org/Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious l anguage and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play method serves children through early, middle and late childhood and beyond !

I really enjoyed the training with 13 others and trainers Cora and Jessie. (Contact godlyplayireland@gmail.com if you are interested in training). A lot to learn and take in as well as actual practice in telling the stories and using the materials. Here is my first effort with the Parable of the Good Samaritan!

My fellow pastoral worker Conor seemed to be having a lot of fun with “The Church Year”. Who knew??

When I get started myself and have something to report I will set up a Page here to keep a record of how Im getting on and what the reactions are  around the Parish, from children and adults!

Here are some images of the beautiful materials that are used in Godly Play!

Holy Family!

The Good Shepherd!

The Faces of Easter!

Noah’s Ark!


About Mary Kirk

Parish Pastoral Worker in the Archdiocese of Dublin since 2010. Former civil servant for many years before that! One son and two cats!
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