If you have been knitting Easter Chicks for our Family Mass on Easter Sunday please don’t stop because of the Coronovirus. Resurrection and celebration will come again – perhaps later than we would like but it will come! Trust in the Lord!
If you have not been knitting Easter Chicks and would like to start here is the pattern:

Easter Chick Knitting pattern
Materials: Wool = DK (double knitting). Needles 3 1/2 mm
Cast on 26 stitches. Knit 1 row.
Increase 1 st at beg of every row until 42sts on needle.
Cast off 11 sts at beg of next 2 rows. (20sts)
Increase 1 st at beg of next 4 rows. (24sts).
Knit 4 rows.
Knit 2, then knit 2tog to last 2 sts – knit 2. (14 sts).
Knit 4 rows.
Knit 2, then knit 2tog to last 2 sts – knit 2. (9sts) Draw wool through remaining sts and pull tight.
Sew around edge leaving cast-on edge open so egg can be inserted.
Stuff head and sew around neck and gather in tightly.
Sew two eyes and stitch beak in orange wool. (You can also use small pieces of orange felt for beak).
Tie ribbon around neck in bow and stitch to back of neck.
Thank you Mary for the above information, I wasn’t sure whether to keep knitting in the present circumstances, but delighted to continue since this two week staying at home has started. keep well and safe Carol
Hi Carol
Thanks for getting in touch. I was talking to Fr. Kevin and we have agreed that we will do something with the chicks for the children whenever we get out of this situation.
Perhaps a belated Resurrection Mass – if we can find small eggs of course!
In the meantime keep knitting, keep well and look after yourselves,